
I am a PhD student working at the intersection of reinforcement learning, biomechanics and robotics. I develop control algorithms for biomechanical systems and leverage bio-inspired properties for applications on real-world robotic hardware. I am co-supervised by Prof. Georg Martius from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and Prof. Daniel Häufle from the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research.

RL control for biomechanical systems.

About me

I did a bachelor’s degree in Physics in a trinational degree program, going to France, Luxembourg and Germany. After contemplating a pure Physics Master’s, I felt that I was drawn to more computational work and obtained a degree in Computational Science at the Goethe university in Frankfurt am Main. After my first reinforcement learning lecture I was hooked and did my final thesis about hierarchical RL. Finally, I was lucky enough to join the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research in Tübingen with Prof. Georg Martius and Prof. Daniel Häufle for my PhD in Computer Science.

Pierre Schumacher

  • (Expected 2025) PhD CS, MPI–IS, Germany
  • (2020) M.S. Physics, Frankfurt, Germany
  • (2018) B.S. Physics, Saarbrücken Germany